Presenting With Passion - Interactive

Presenting With Passion - Interactive

Seven Dimensions,Chef Siu
Updated May 05, 2020

Making a boring presentation is stressful. Inspiring others with your words is fun. This interactive course is designed to help anyone improve their presentation skills, and become a more effective and engaging speaker who can enthuse and impress audiences, and pitch their own ideas with ease.

Carol is taking the Cutting Edge team through a training session on overcoming fear and changing their presentations from BLAND to GRAND. Carol takes the opportunity to tell Serena she is being long winded, the L in BLAND. Carol invites each team member to do a presentation on a ‘surprise’ item, then explains in a very direct way how each has demonstrated aspects of BLAND: Alex is Avoiding engagement with no eye contact; Sam with stiff Neutral body language; Casey who Disregards the cues of her audience, and finally Michael who is Boring, presenting in a monotone with no enthusiasm. Carol asks Steve to make a short enthusiastic presentation showing how you can change from BLAND to GRAND in a few easy steps and demonstrating the importance of body language. Steve is the only one to make a GRAND presentation using great body language and tone.

Key Learning Points

  • Don’t speak with Boring tone INSTEAD: Use Genuine tone
  • Don’t be Long-winded INSTEAD: Deliver Right amount
  • Don’t Avoid engagement INSTEAD: Ask questions
  • Don’t show Neutral body language INSTEAD: Use Natural body language
  • Don’t Disregard audience cues INSTEAD: Divert as needed

Comedy makes learning fun

This interactive course is part of the popular Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown starring Emmy-award winning Kim Estes. This powerful training series follows several characters as they battle challenges, negotiate conflicts and learn from mistakes about professionalism, leadership, communication and safety. This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles.