Presentation Building Block 10: Openings

Presentation Building Block 10: Openings

SmartMouth Communications
Updated Sep 20, 2019


In public speaking, openings are high stakes. In fact, while audience attention and retention levels are peaking at the beginning and the end of a presentation, what is even more daunting is that audiences are sizing you up during your opening. This brief module will give you some ideas and best practices for your openings. Check outSmartMouth'sSpeechBuildertool, which is an added resource in every course. TheSpeechBuilderprompts you to fill in the blanks and create either an outline or a full presentation. It's a paint-by-numbers solution for public speakers!

Course Objectives

  • Shares ideas, options and alternatives for presentation openings.
  • Recommends order and content for openings for specific situations.
  • Calls attention to some common practices and corrects them.