PHP Programming Advanced

PHP Programming Advanced

Simon Sez IT
Updated May 23, 2019

Course Overview

In this Advanced PHP course, you'll discover the power of PHP as you take your website development skills to the next level. Learn methods for database access, design patterns, using the mail function, PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository, and cURL, a library that lets you make HTTP requests. The advanced PHP training continues with topics on web services, introspection and reflection, Smarty Templates, sessions, different PHP frameworks, and some PHP best practices.

Target Audience

People with web design and coding experience looking to advanced their PHP knowlede

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

  • Learn functions, date and time manipulation, debugging and application logging.
  • Discover the use of strings, REGEX, runtime error handling.
  • Learn how to do string manipulation.
  • Learn how to send email using SMTP and using the mail function.
  • Discover the fundamentals of PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository, and cURL
  • Get topics on web services, introspection and reflection, Smarty Templates, sessions, suggested PHP best practices.
  • Discover some of the popular PHP frameworks.