Photo Week 2016 Panel & Critique

Photo Week 2016 Panel & Critique

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019
Join us as we welcome renowned photographer Ed Kashi from VII Photo for a LIVE image critique! In this free, live panel, Ed will be joined by two incredible photojournalists; Al Bello, Senior Sports Photographer for Getty Images and Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalist Deanne Fitzmaurice. You’ll get expert insight into improving your work and looking beyond what’s in front of you.

Want to see your work critiqued live on air? Here are the details you need to be considered:

  • We’re looking specifically for your best photos capturing a moment or telling a story
  • Images should be at least 4k pixels on the long side, but keep files under 10MB
  • Label your JPG files: yourfullname.jpg
  • Upload your images to the ‘Student Work’ tab by September 26 and tune in on September 27th at 2:45pm PST to see if your image has been selected.