Personal Safety - Lone worker

Personal Safety - Lone worker

Me Learning
Updated Oct 17, 2018

Course Description

This course explores safety for lone workers. It looks at who a lone worker is, what they might experience as a lone worker, and the responsibilities of their manager. It also describes the lone workers' responsibilities for their own safety.  With interesting scenarios you will learn about working in another person's home, working in your own home, travelling, working alone in an employer's building, and dealing with aggression.

In this course you will learn about:

  • Employers’ responsibilities for lone workers’ safety
  • Lone workers’ responsibilities for their own safety
  • Equipment and procedures to help make lone workers safer

Who is this course for?

The course is for anyone who works alone or who is responsible for workers who work alone.  This includes:

  • Social care and healthcare staff in people's homes
  • People who work from home
  • People who travel for work, such as sales reps or consultants
  • Staff who work outside office hours
  • Those who meet clients or customers in private

Course Duration

30 minutes