Overcome Writer's Block

Overcome Writer's Block

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

If you’re a writer, you’ve most likely experienced writer’s block in some form or another. And you’ve probably also tried lots of ways to combat it, like exercising, reading a book, listening to music, drinking some tea, calling a friend or doing random Google searches.

The problem is that none of these solutions address the core, underlying behavioral causes of writer’s block. Author, yoga instructor and healer Dave Ursillo will help you figure out what’s at the heart of your issue, including your emotional influences and creative struggles. He’ll then guide you through the development of an actionable plan to treat your condition so you’re able to achieve your literary goals.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Conquer the fear, guilt and shame that block your creative writing.
  • Focus on your inner game instead of fixating on your outer game.
  • Side step your tendencies toward indecision and overwhelm.
  • Source your voice from other writers, creatives and teachers.
  • Overcome “imposter syndrome” by being seen, nixing self-comparison, and yoking into your whole true self.