Outdoor Worker Safety - Herbicides & Pesticides

Outdoor Worker Safety - Herbicides & Pesticides

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Feb 22, 2019

Course Overview 

The main purpose of herbicides and pesticides is to kill organisms, this makes them extremely dangerous to humans and therefore should be handled with the utmost care. This video highlights how harmful exposure to herbicides and pesticides can occur, the symptoms of exposure, and risk control measures.

Learning Objectives 

After watching this video, you will have learnt:

  • How harmful exposure can occur
  • Symptoms of exposure to harmful chemicals
  • Risk control measures
  • Types of PPE
  • The importance of reading the label and/or Safety Data Sheet

Target Audience 

This video is aimed at outdoor workers.

Business Outcomes  

This video is essential viewing for organisations wanting to protect their workers and themselves against exposure to herbicides and pesticides.


4 Minutes