Office 2010 - Word Intermediate - Automated Formatting

Office 2010 - Word Intermediate - Automated Formatting

Jenison ELearning
Updated Nov 07, 2018

Learning Objectives

  • Use the Format Painter
  • Create Bullet Lists 
  • Create Numbered Lists
  • Insert Symbols 
  • Assign Shortcut Keystrokes
  • Apply and change a Theme 
  • Work with Style Command
  • AutoFormat a Document 
  • Apply Styles to Text

Course Overview

  • You have learned how to use Word's automated formatting tools to change the look of a document.
  • Format Painter applies existing formats to other text and is located in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.
  • Bullet and numbering buttons create bullet and numbered lists and are located in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.
  • To create special characters use the Symbol command located on the Insert tab.
  • Themes contain pre-designed colour schemes, backgrounds, bullets, fonts and other document elements. The Themes group is located in the page layout tab.
  • Use the Style Group located in the Home tab to view and apply different template styles as well as creating a new style.
  • Formatting text with styles is fast and allows you to keep document consistency.