Observation and Analysis for Trainee Educators - Vivien

Observation and Analysis for Trainee Educators - Vivien

Child Care College
Updated Oct 14, 2019

Observation and analysis of observations can be difficult skills for trainee educators to master. This module allows students to develop and practice their observation skills by watching a video of 4 year old Vivien as she completes a collage.

Target Audience

This course is suitable for new and trainee educators as well as students who would like to become early childhood educators and want a better understanding of what the role entails.

The course is also suitable for educators seeking professional development or for early childhood services wanting to provide holistic professional development for staff members.

Learning Objectives

  • To practice observation skills this time by watching a pre-school age child completing a collage
  • To practice keeping observations simple and objective
  • To identify the skills a child has and new skills they are developing
  • To practice interpreting observations
  • To keep interpretation and analysis simple
  • To ensure interpretations are objective not subjective
  • That observation is ongoing – you need to observe children in different situations
  • To choose goals and strategies to support and extend Vivien’s development and interests
  • To consider the role the educator will play in supporting Vivien