Non-Functional Testing Essentials

Non-Functional Testing Essentials

Planit Testing
Updated Sep 23, 2019

Course Overview

Traditional Testers have tended to focus on functional testing, that is testing of the functionality of systems as documented in the requirements. However, it is important to consider both the functional and non-functional aspects of a system. This e-learning course is aimed at raising awareness of those non-functional aspects (often not as clearly specified within requirements documentation), and provides a starting point for considering the inclusion of non-functional testing in test planning.

Target Audience

This course is designed to support all levels of Tester. Test Analysts will be able to input non-functional considerations into their projects and Test Managers will be able to create more effective and complete plans and projects.

Learning Objectives

What this course will cover:​

  • The differences between non-functional and functional testing​
  • Factors that influence effective non-functional testing​
  • Identifying and constructing NFRs​
  • Types of non-functional testing​
  • Associated quality characteristics