Negotiating Skills (Part 13 of 13): Facilitating the Diamond Negotiating Exercise

Negotiating Skills (Part 13 of 13): Facilitating the Diamond Negotiating Exercise

Biz Library
Updated Feb 12, 2019
Welcome to the "Negotiating Skills" series of video lessons meant to ignite the negotiator in all of us and teach the tools to ensure success in every negotiation. This lesson, "How to Bargain," is the eighth of thirteen. It offers a basic understanding of bargaining and will help you in the next lesson where you get a deeper understanding of the offer/counter-offer cycle. The lesson will go through a few bargaining tactics: everything from the proper mindset to have, to strategies like listening more than you speak. After this lesson, the viewer will have a basic understanding of bargaining and will be better prepared for the next lesson on the offer/counter-offer cycle.