Narcissists – Survival Skills at Work

Narcissists – Survival Skills at Work

Seven Dimensions
Updated Oct 10, 2019

Course Overview

Peter Quarry explains a variety of strategies to Eve Ash for how to cope with narcissists at work. For example, not discussing rights and wrongs, not expecting apologies, managing boundaries, and not getting upset. It’s better to ask them questions, ask for their advice. Peter explains how it is not fair and the narcissist is unlikely to change. He suggests flattery, explaining how an idea will benefit them, stepping back from reacting, having a support network and keeping documentation if it gets bad. And if a narcissist is triggered, empathize with their feelings and distract them by asking questions.

Peter Quarry provides practical tips – some strategic “don’ts” to help anyone working with a narcissist. And suggestions for responding if a narcissist is triggered.

Learning Objectives

Peter Quarry discusses survival skills at work:

  • Six practical tips and strategies 
  • It's not about you, and it's not fair
  • If a narcissist is triggered - empathize and distract
  • Eight suggestions for working with a narcissist - from flattery to documentation
  • Accept they won't change

Interviewer: Eve Ash

Interviewee: Peter Quarry