MS Excel 2016 - Advanced

MS Excel 2016 - Advanced

Bite Size
Updated Jun 07, 2019

Bite Size courses will give you the freedom and flexibility to learn Microsoft Office in easy to use bite size chunks. You can dip in and out of lesson at the time of need, or take the full course if you have more time. Learn Microsoft Office the easy way with Bite Size. Each lesson takes on average 3-5 minutes to complete and the estimated full course duration is 3 - 4 hours.

Course Overview

This advanced course is aimed at learners who have a good grounding in Excel

Learning Objectives

This course focuses on analysing data in Excel. You will also find it helpful if you spend most of your working day using Excel and need to learn more about the various functions.

By the end of this course:

  • You will be able to work with logical functions such as IF and OR, NOT and count up blank cells, add up cells that meet a certain criteria with countif.
  • You will learn how to use V and H lookups to quickly pick up data.
  • You will learn how to perform calculations based around dates and also create different types of charts depending on the data you have.

Course Notes

  • The table of contents indicates current status of each lesson with the 'X' icon indicating the lesson has been started and the 'Tick' icon indicating the lesson is complete.
  • Once a course is open, lessons can be taken in any order.
  • Once a lesson is open use the TOC to navigate