Motivating Staff

Motivating Staff

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Jul 03, 2020

Course Overview

From an employees’ perspective, it is human nature to want to do more for the business when you know you are being noticed and appreciated.

Whilst the manager who actively listens and takes a sincere interest in a staff member or project is an incredibly valuable asset in any team environment.

Course consists of 6 minutes of video content combined with
assessment questions and interactivity.

Learning Objectives

By completing this video based eLearning program, your managers and supervisors will learn:

  • How to best motivate staff
  • How to catch your staff doing something right and telling them
  • How to manage by moving around

Target Audience

Aimed at all levels of management.

Business Outcomes

This program on motivating staff is chock full of easy to follow and easy to apply techniques enabling your organization to get the best from its employees.


10-15 mins