Millennials: Give them a Say

Millennials: Give them a Say

Seven Dimensions
Updated Oct 11, 2019

Course Overview

Eve Ash notes that millennials are used to having a say on everything and that 45% of them prefer work flexibility over pay. Peter Quarry agrees that giving millennials more of a say in decisions together with greater transparency of information and offering flexible hours is more likely to bring out the best in them, along with improving workplace relationships and approaches.

For improved retention, Peter Quarry recommends giving millennials more say and information in decision-making, promoting transparency and greater flexibility in work arrangements.

Learning Objectives

Millennials will work more happily if:

  • They are given a voice in decisions
  • They are provided with information
  • Their workplace promotes transparency and exchange of information
  • They have flexible work hours

Interviewer: Eve Ash

Interviewee: Peter Quarry