Microsoft - MD-101 - Managing Modern Desktops - Exam Prep

Microsoft - MD-101 - Managing Modern Desktops - Exam Prep

The following practice exam will help you prepare for taking the real certification exam.

Jake Hoff
Updated Aug 21, 2020

Use Learn Mode to help validate your knowledge and understanding on an exam objective basis. When you feel you have a good understanding of the objectives attempt Exam Mode, this option will simulate the live exam experience. When you have successfully achieved a score above the pass score on a number of occasions you should feel confident to take the next step and tackle the live exam.

As much as we would like to provide the actual test questions we can't, what we aim to do is give you a set of tools that help you in succeeding in gaining the certification you require. The key to success is to make sure you are fully prepared, this includes theoretical understanding, hands on exposure and knowledge validation. When you have all these components your path to succeeding is greatly improved.

For additional questions and support on this practice exam, please review the help section.