Menu Knowledge

Menu Knowledge

Graeme Clarke
Updated Apr 12, 2019

Course Overview

What is a medallion?… where is the shank on a lamb?… which is a rump steak?…. what is a blue steak?… what does ‘sustainable sources’ mean?… is that a langoustine or a prawn?… what is hosmaki?… passion fruit or kiwi?…. what is the difference between a pannacotta and a creme brulee?… what is the difference in cheeses?…So many questions, so much jargon! Through a series of activities this module will really make you concentrate and develop your knowledge of food to ensure you are confident when asking customer questions, confident to ask your manager if there is something you don’t know on the menu and really add to your professionalism.

Learning Objectives

  • State why it is important to have a knowledge of food
  • Define frequently used culinary terms
  • Identify key ingredients of popular dishes

Target Audience

Operational front of house staff in hotels and restaurants to develop their knowledge and skills in key aspects of food service. This module is a separate module from the Food Service course and can be used according to training needs. Modules are ideal for new staff into the industry to support on job training in house or can be used by individuals wishing to gain some knowledge of food service in order to apply for a job.