Love Now

Love Now

Learn to create loving relationships that last by rekindling old sparks or learning to navigate through your challenges.

Blisspot Wellbeing,Deborah Fairfull
Updated Dec 18, 2020

Whether you are facing the first hurdle with your partner or have been harbouring doubts and fears for months or years, Love Now can help you. Love Now shares ideas and skills to help you deal with relationship problems and prevent them from getting worse and spiralling out of control.

Most people want successful relationships, whether it be with friends, family, work colleagues or a romantic partner. When you have relationship issues, it can have a debilitating impact on other areas of your life—we have an innate desire to connect with others in life-enhancing and meaningful ways.

Love Now shares skills to make creating the best relationships possible. Ideally, any issues in relationships are best addressed when they are small, as acting proactively can prevent them from escalating. However, it is never too late to reconnect in a relationship—no matter how bad things may seem—if there is a desire to make the relationship work.

Relationship challenges include:

• A lack of communication
• Trust issues
• Money issues
• Feeling insecure and unsafe
• Patterns of attack and withdrawal in difficult times
• Focussing on the negative and forgetting the positive
• Extended family members
• Career pressures

These challenges can understandably seem like they are impossible to solve. Unfortunately, this means that they are left unaddressed or are blindly accepted, which can result in one or both parties harbouring doubts and fears about their relationship as a source of happiness and security. In order to transform your relationship for the better, you need to feel a restored sense of control. A sense of control directly relates to your ability to feel as though you can resolve or take a proactive approach in resolving relationship problems.