Leading For Results: Maximising People, Performance & Profits

Leading For Results: Maximising People, Performance & Profits

Ben Hedley,Expert Academy,Katie Mason
Updated Feb 12, 2021

How To Win As A Leader In Today’s Fast Moving, Interconnected World By Taking A Dramatically & Demonstrably Different Approach

The Business World Today

Businesses and their people thrive best under inspirational leadership, and in these uncertain, chaotic, fast-moving times, the role of leaders has never been so important. Add to this ever-increasing employee expectations, people working remotely, flexibly and often in isolation, new techniques being tried and tested, it is no wonder leaders are experiencing uncertainty, pressure and in some cases, fear!

People are looking to their leaders for guidance, support and empathy, and many of the ‘traditional’ ways of leading have become redundant. Today’s leaders need to inspire optimism and confidence. They need to support and encourage creativity. They need to create an environment in which everyone can thrive, excel and do their best.

These ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’ times require a Dramatically and Demonstrably Different approach to leadership, and that’s '3D Leadership'. This stimulating, challenging and practical course will equip you with the skills to thrive in this turbulent world. It will equip you with the leadership skills to help you get the best from your people, drive change and innovation, and make an impact in your business. It will also help you maximise your own performance, potential and your prospects!

Who Is This Course For?

This course is for anyone looking to seriously develop their leadership and management skills and improve the performance of their people, themselves and their business.

You may be an established, experienced manager or team leader looking to update and develop your leadership skills, someone relatively new to a leadership role looking for practical help to fulfil your role, or a 'rising star’ or ambitious individual who wants to improve your career prospects and prepare and equip yourself for a future leadership role.

The 3D Leadership principles apply across all levels and all types of business. Andy has worked with leaders from a huge range of sectors and one of the things they consistently tell him is how relevant these insights are to them and their business.

About This Course

Business competitiveness expert Andy Hanselman will help you learn what differentiates 3D Leaders from the rest, and most importantly, he’ll give you innovative tools and techniques to make them work for you. No academic theories or ‘magical answers’, but real-life examples, proven models, practical toolkits, templates and how to’s to make it all work for you.

During this course you'll learn:

- What today’s employees want from their leaders (and how you measure up in those areas!)

- The differences between management and leadership and what this means for you in fulfilling your role, now and for the future

- How to shine and excel as a 3D Leader regardless of your level of seniority

- Proven tactics to help you ‘keep on the front foot’ and stop you being caught up in the 'day to day'

- How to create a real focus for you and your people

- How to get people 'onboard' and keep them there

- How to get people acting in line with how you want them to behave

- How to challenge the 'status quo', disrupt and make change happen

- The steps you need to take to improve your leadership effectiveness

- The proven behaviours and practices Andy has used to coach successful, effective entrepreneurial leaders all around the world

- Practical and effective tools and techniques to maximise your own leadership performance and potential and fulfil your role as a 3D Leader.

By the end of this course you'll know how to:

- Create focus and direction, both for you and your people

- Get the best out of your people by setting expectations and embedding focus

- Develop a team of people that work together to achieve your goals and targets

- Establish a culture that supports this culture and allows you and your people to thrive

- Get out from the 'day to day', off the back foot and proactively drive forwards

- Think and work ‘strategically’ to help you see ‘the big picture’ and spot key opportunities

- Challenge the status quo and implement change – it’s all about innovation!

- Get your team on board to do it too!

Your Instructor

Andy Hanselman helps businesses, leaders and teams create competitive advantage by ‘Thinking in 3D’! That means being ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’! He has over 30 years researching, working with, and learning from successful disruptive and forward-thinking entrepreneurial businesses and their leaders and is a recognised expert on business competitiveness.

This has helped him identify the 8 Characteristics of 3D Leaders. Not the latest ‘fad’ or hyped ‘panacea’ for business success, nor a list of do’s and don’ts, or ‘magical answers’, but proven methodologies and processes that help successful winning leaders grow and develop their business, teams and themselves.

Andy is the author of 3 books (currently writing his 4th!) and loves sharing real insights into how these 3D Leaders create committed, motivated and effective people at every level. He brings these lessons to life by speaking at events, conferences, workshops and seminars around the world.

As a speaker, Andy thrives on interacting with people ensuring that they are challenged, stimulated and motivated. His style is participative, fast-paced, humorous and relevant. He believes people learn best by 'doing' and having fun! As a result, he works hard to offer them practical, stimulating fresh ideas, tools and techniques that provide no-nonsense ‘stuff’ they can actually use in their businesses immediately.

He has worked with a huge cross-section of businesses and sectors and has worked with businesses as wide-ranging as Tommy Hilfiger, Asda, B Braun, NHS, Universities and colleges, Vigor Enterprises Kuwait, Specsavers, Pallex, Grant Thornton, Jelf, Santander, Travelex, Mobile Mini and Ronseal and thousands of small and medium-sized growing, entrepreneurial businesses.