Lead and Attend Effective Meetings

Lead and Attend Effective Meetings

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

It’s amazing how much of our workday is taken up with meetings. Whether it’s a formal, scheduled sit-down with colleagues or an impromptu conversation with a peer or team member, meetings are a critical component of our daily workload. Therefore, meetings must be managed effectively so you don’t waste your or other people’s time.

This course will help you improve your meetings with colleagues, clients and vendors so they’re more productive, pleasant and efficient. You’ll get tips on how to plan, attend and facilitate meetings—both in your professional and personal lives—so that you can optimize all of your conversations and accomplish your goals.

In this class, you’ll learn to:

  • Understand what a meeting is and the difference between formal and informal meetings.
  • Create checklists for all phases of meetings.
  • Prepare for all types of meetings.
  • Uncover the power of follow-up meetings.