Keeping Motivation High In Your Remote Team

Keeping Motivation High In Your Remote Team

Focus Learning
Updated Oct 15, 2020

We know that managing a virtual team comes with many challenges not faced when teams are co-located, but one of the
biggest is maintaining motivation. There’s more room for error, a greater chance of misinterpretation, miscommunication and misunderstanding intentions - all which can lead to feelings of exclusion and a disjointed team culture. And when motivation drops, productivity soon follows. And that’s where you need to
set up. In this session, you’ll learn the essential set of micro-skills needed to keep motivation high and to ensure the team drives collectively to achieving the team vision and purpose.

What you’ll learn:

● How to use a range of practical strategies to ensure that your team remains motivated to achieve team goals and feel
connected with other team members.

● Identify the potential pitfalls and develop plans to overcome these to build a team that is positive and focused on your team playbook and overall purpose.

Effective communication to ensure expectations are clear and there no surprises around performance management.

● Build a strong relationship of trust with team members to enable honest discussions around performance and motivation.

● Introduce a range of gamification activities to drive team motivation in virtual meetings and sessions.