Job Search Top Tips

Job Search Top Tips

Cutting Edge eLearning Solutions
Updated Jun 28, 2019

The irony of job search advice: There’s so much available that you don’t have to spend more than four seconds Googling before you land on some nugget of wisdom or another.

Yet, at the same time, there’s so much available (some of which completely contradicts other advice you’ll find) that it can easily overwhelm you. Which, in fact, is probably the exact opposite outcome you’re looking for when you go sleuthing for genuinely useful counsel in the first place.

So let’s do this: Let’s boil things down to a short list of sound, timeless job searching tips that’ll help you fine-tune your strategy so that you may sail through the process (or at least cut out some of the unnecessary time and frustration).

Learning Outcomes:

  • Show you how to set realistic career goals and land a job.
  • Help you navigate job boards, social media and networking sites
  • Provide you with instructions for researching the company you're interested in applying to.
  • Learn how to create polished resumes and cover letters
  • Avoid common job application mistakes and prepare for job interviews.