Java SE 9, Part 13 of 14: Vaadin and HTTP Introduction

Java SE 9, Part 13 of 14: Vaadin and HTTP Introduction

Biz Library
Updated Feb 04, 2020

Welcome to the Java 9 Master Course. Whether you've programmed before or never had programming experience, by the end of this series you'll be able to write sophisticated real world Java applications. This course starts with a refresher on World Wide Web technologies. It then introduces the Vaadin environment as well as how to use SpringBoot. It starts an application for a weather application also covering how to integrate libraries like OKHTTP as well as how to parse JSON This course contains the following lessons:

Lesson 1:

  • What's the WWW
  • Web Technologies and the Web
  • Intro to Web Dev Frameworks.

Lesson 2:

  • Install Run Vaadin Application in IntelliJ
  • Vaadin Introduction - Install Plugin Eclipse.

Lesson 3:

  • Vaadin Intro - Horizontal Layout
  • Vaadin Intro - VLayout and Center Layout.

Lesson 4:

  • Vaadin - FormLayout and VaadinIcon Class
  • Spring Framework-SpringBoot and Maven.

Lesson 5:

  • Creating SpringBoot App
  • SpringBoot and Vaadin - Creating UI.

Lesson 6:

  • SpringBoot and Vaadin - Parsing Json Object
  • OkHttp Library and Parsing Complex JSON Trees.

Lesson 7:

  • Parsing Complex JSON Objects With OkHttp.

Lesson 8:

  • Weather App - Setting up APIKey
  • Weather App - Project Setup.

Lesson 9:

  • Weather App - Creating our Service Class
  • Weather App - Helper Functions Json Objects.