Java 7 SE, (Part 3 of 4): Unicode, Classes, and Frameworks

Java 7 SE, (Part 3 of 4): Unicode, Classes, and Frameworks

Biz Library
Updated Feb 04, 2020

There a few significant updates to Java SE 7 in the area of XML. JAXB, JAX-WS and JAXP all had a minor revision update which included a number of bug fixes, localization updates, and standardization of data mapping. JAXP also got some additional security updates to guard against denial of service attacks that exploit XML processing. In the internationalization or I18N area, Java SE 7 was all about support for Unicode 6.0. Support for international stands, like the ISO 4217 currency codes and locale updates adding support for IETF-BCP 47 language tags, the Unicode data markup language, and adding a couple new locale default objects to control formatting resources and the UI. The new numeric shaper enumerated range class adds new Unicode ranges and makes outputting numbers in different shapes a breeze. The last topic in the course covers the updates to the collections framework. The framework got two new concurrency queuing classes and was tuned up with a new hash function for maps and a new sorting algorithm which affects the entire framework. These algorithm upgrades will speed up your application without a single change to your code.

Lesson 1:

  • Java SE 7 XML Enhancements
  • JAXP 1.5 External Properties
  • Demo: Set Properties
  • Demo: JAXP Properties.

Lesson 2:

  • JAXP 1.5 Processing Limits
  • Demo: JAXP Properties File
  • Demo: JAXP Limits File
  • Demo: Limit Sizes.

Lesson 3:

  • Java SE I18N Enhancements
  • Unicode Regular Expressions
  • Demo: Unicode Support for Regex
  • Demo: Script Property.

Lesson 4:

  • Default Locale Categories
  • Demo: LocaleCategories
  • Locale IETF-BCP 47 Support
  • Demo: BCP 47 Support
  • Demo: forLanguageTag
  • Locale Extensions
  • Demo: LocaleUpdates
  • Demo: GetUnicodeLocale Methods.

Lesson 5:

  • Extensible Currency Code Support
  • Demo: Currency Class Updates
  • Demo: Currency Properties File
  • NumericShaper Enhancements
  • Demo: NumericShaper
  • Demo: NumericShaper Cont.

Lesson 6:

  • Hash Map New Hash Function
  • Array.Sort() Algorithm Change
  • ConcurrentLinkedDeque Class
  • Demo: LinkedDeque
  • New TransferQueue Interface
  • Demo: TransferQueue
  • Demo: Run TransferQueue.