Introducing the Business Model Canvas

Introducing the Business Model Canvas

The Skills Shack
Updated Oct 22, 2019

Introducing the Business Model Canvas

Introducing the Business Model Canvas

Alex Osterwalder developed the Business Model Canvas in 2008 and it consists of 9 building blocks to help describe your business model. 

Many of the images used in this video have been adapted from the book and website Business Model Generation.

The 9 building blocks are the Business Model Canvas 

  1. Customer Segments
  2. Value Proposition
  3. Channels
  4. Customer Relationships
  5. Revenue Streams
  6. Key Resources
  7. Key Activities
  8. Key Partners
  9. Cost Structure

Target Audience

Business owners and operator

Learning objectives

This video has been developed to introduce the BMC as a planning tool.

Business Outcomes

Awareness of the BMC as a planning tool.