Blockchain technologies are now more than just a trial run.They are starting to go from a Proof of Concept to a Production use case. As a pre sales engineer, solutions engineer or technically focused expert facing customers knowing how to speak blockchain is going to a required skill especially for large VARs, Vendors, Integrators, etc.
The IBM Blockchain Platform is a cloud-based platform which provides tools for you to easily develop, operate, and grow your permissioned enterprise blockchain applications. This training will provide an overview of the platform features and capabilities so you can quickly get up to speed. The training also provides use cases with demos and optional labs that focused on business network setup and chaincode deployments with Composer.
Hyperledger Fabric is the most widely used permissioned blockchain and demand has never been higher for blockchain expertise
This training is focused on preparing IT professionals in Hyperledger Fabric 1.2 foundations and providing uses cases with demos. It will introduce you to the need for Blockchain applications, use cases, and about Hyperledger Fabric, which is the open source framework for developing Blockchain applications and solutions with a modular architecture.
A significant amount of Demos and Whiteboard will help reinforce learning.There are also numerous practice questions that can be used for study as well for any Hyperledger Exam.
Course has been developed mainly for systems engineers, systems architects and new blockchain developers.
What we will cover to get you enabled
This training course is for you because...
You want to develop or learn on the IBM Blockchain Platform and use Hyperledger Composer
You are new to blockchain technology and want to understand basic concepts of blockchain and what materials to learn about Hyperledger Fabric
You are an aspiring blockchain architect that would like to validate your knowledge with the industry leading blockchain architecture certification
You need to understand the use cases for blockchain and resources to help get started in the blockchain space.
Prerequisites - Having access to internet and cloud services.