Human Resource Strategy Management: Business and HR Strategy

Human Resource Strategy Management: Business and HR Strategy

Updated Mar 19, 2018

The cross-functional role of HR puts it in an ideal position to contribute effectively to the formation of organizational strategy. The inherent features of the HR function, in terms of communication and human resource placement, greatly benefit implementation of strategy. HR's role in evaluating strategic performance is key to moving an organization in the right direction. In this course, you'll get an overview of the final three stages in the strategic planning process: the development of organizational and HR strategy, implementation, and evaluation. The path contents are based on the Body of Competency and Knowledge (BoCK), 2015 of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). While the curriculum helps learners to prepare for the SHRM certification exams, it is equally useful for HR professionals who want to develop capabilities for improving their effectiveness in the workplace and advancing their careers.