HRSG – Auxiliary Equipment and Systems

HRSG – Auxiliary Equipment and Systems

Updated Jan 21, 2021

 When you complete this lesson, you will be able to identify some auxiliary systems that may be found in an HRSG and recall their purpose and benefit to the unit. • Recall the purpose of the following systems: – Supplementary firing – Bleed air – Deaerator – Attemperator – Sampling – Dosing – Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) – CO catalyst – Nitrogen • Identify the general location of the following systems: – Supplementary firing – Deaerator – Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) – CO catalyst • Relate the operating conditions in which supplementary firing would be impactful • Describe the mechanism by which deaerators fulfill their purpose • List some qualities for which analyses are frequently performed in the steam/water cycle • State why SCR systems and CO catalyst systems have been put in place • Relate what operating conditions a nitrogen system would be used in