How to Nail Your First Three Pages

How to Nail Your First Three Pages

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

You might have an incredible story to tell, but if your first three pages aren’t amazing, you’re likely to lose your reader. Those first words are what grab the reader’s attention, stoke their curiosity, and make them eager to know what happens next. So if you want to hook your reader and make them stay for the long haul, you have to get those pages right.

That’s a lot of pressure! But the good news is, author, speaker, and instructor Lisa Cron is ready to show you exactly what you need to do in those first three pages to both lay the groundwork for your story and lure the reader in.

Lisa will debunk the myths that lead many writers astray and zero in on exactly what readers are wired to expect in those first few pages. She’ll help you get over the common anxiety of needing to make your opening pages beautiful from the start and show you how to dive in fearlessly and experiment with your writing.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Silence your inner critical voice so you can get down to writing.
  • Create the five essential things your reader expects on the first three pages.
  • Plant the seeds of what’s to come on the very first page.
  • Avoid the crippling myth of “holding important information back for a big reveal later.”
  • Make your reader have to know what happens next.