How to Land a Literary Agent

How to Land a Literary Agent

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

Your biggest, lifelong dream is to score a publishing deal for your book. But first you must clear what seems like your most challenging, daunting hurdle: convincing an agent to represent you.

Many writers believe that landing an agent is an impossible task. They think they have to know someone, learn some secret handshake or simply have an incredible burst of luck. But the truth is that there’s a strategic process to securing representation, one that can be learned and successfully implemented.

Jennie Nash, a book coach who has helped dozens of writers achieve their literary aspirations, will guide you through the agent query process—from getting over your initial fears and anxieties to mapping out the essential steps of how to pitch your work to writing a killer query letter.

In this class, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify the agents who might be interested in your work and are most likely to offer you a deal.
  • Double-check the integrity of the agents on your list.
  • Rank your list so you can leverage the batch method of pitching.
  • Write a query letter that proves you’re a writer worth investing in.
  • Personalize your letter for the agents on your list.
  • Pitch at the right time in the development process.
  • Understand the marketplace and how your book fits into it.
  • Get smart about pitching through online contests and conferences.