How to Create and Deliver an Impactful Presentation

How to Create and Deliver an Impactful Presentation

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019

The stakes are high. Time is short. You’re up next.

Scenarios like this can make even the most seasoned speaker sweat. Is it possible to create meaningful, mind-changing presentations that actually accomplish goals with little to no preparation? Can you make a visual impact while still being on a “slide budget”? Can you turn a tight-timeline situation into a critical success without sacrificing quality?

Yes! You can do it with this class under your belt!

In this class we’ll spell out the exact steps to quickly craft a great presentation while under the worst of circumstances. No resources? No problem. You’ll learn and master the following steps with real life practical applications...

Prepare (Get ready!)

  • Just the Facts: Learn to quickly gather the exact meta-info required to set your mind at ease and why it matters to ask questions
  • The Gathering: Learn to identify the key content ingredients you’ll need upfront
  • Mighty Minimalism: Master the art of simple slide design, regardless of your design background or your chosen presentation program

Prioritize (Get set!)

  • Distraction Triage: Learn how to keep their sights on your goal
  • Cut the Fat: Find out what content is worth keeping and what needs to go
  • Touch-ups: Fix tricky visual issues and make even your edits show-stopping

Present (GO!)

  • Space Master: Find out how to deal with various presentation setting and audiences
  • Jedi Mind Tricks: Learn to read your audience and pivot on the fly
  • Do’s and Don’t: It can actually be okay to read off of a slide, but always be allergic to bullet points. Learn the nuances of presenting under pressure.