How to Achieve SMART Goals - Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series

How to Achieve SMART Goals - Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series

Seven Dimensions
Updated Feb 13, 2019

How to Achieve SMART Goals shows how to set and achieve specific measurable goals. Don't focus on vague aspirations – set clear, realistic goals that provide a clear direction. Consider what can actually be done, and be realistic about how you will get there. A final goal can be reached by setting smaller steps and milestones along the way.

In this video, you learn from the entertaining Cutting Edge team, to set clear and specific objectives to help you succeed. They may be short-term goals, daily, weekly, or longer term goals. You will learn to apply the SMART goal formula and a persistence formula to achieve goals. The goals you set need to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and have a time frame. Visualizing achieving your goals can help you succeed. You will need to be persistent, evaluate your goals and ask for feedback and help from a mentor.

S – Specific 
– Measurable 
A – Achievable 
– Relevant 
T – Timeframe 

P = Persist 
E = Evaluate 
A = Ask

Key learning points

  • DON’T be vague about your goals
    INSTEAD: Be specific with your goals
  • DON’T tackle unrealistic goals
    INSTEAD: Set measurable achievable goals
  • DON’T be disorganized
    INSTEAD: Ensure relevant goals in a timeframe
  • DON’T give up easily
    INSTEAD: Persist, evaluate, ask for feedback

Comedy makes learning fun

This course is part of the Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series, created by Psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown, starring Emmy-award winning Kim Estes. A powerful training series covering topics every workplace needs to address. Short, sharp and funny with simple messages and skills for everyone.

Cutting Edge Communication follows several characters through a landscape of social faux pas, insult and embarrassment. This series will amaze and enter-train, covering important lessons in human interaction, motivation, leadership, service, unprofessional behavior, apologizing, negotiating, stress, difficult people among many other workplace hot button issues.

Everyone will laugh and learn with these short episodes that highlight dos and don'ts. This Australian produced series was filmed on location in Los Angeles.