Learn how to forgive better and free yourself from anything holding you back.
Do you suffer from unfinished business with a relationship, a memory, or some kind of hardship that has happened in your life—like an accident, illness, disability, addiction, racism, injustice, you name it?
Do you lose sleep at night thinking about it? Maybe it’s hard to concentrate during the day, or maybe you could be feeling a whole lot more peaceful and having fun in your life—except for that grievance you’re still holding.
If so, the Healing Power of Forgiveness meditations are designed especially for you.
Learn how to radically forgive in this two-part guided meditation offered by Ana Holub, one of the most respected experts in the field of forgiveness therapy.
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful healing tools you’ll ever find. With forgiveness, you’ll open your heart and mind to release the past and experience more peace and deeper love.
Forgiveness takes honesty, openness, and willingness to begin and it’s not difficult to do.
With forgiveness, you can enjoy the treasures that are hidden within everything that happens even the most painful, difficult events and relationships.
Forgiveness is a bridge. Follow the bridge, and travel all the way to peace and freedom. How can you cross the bridge of forgiveness? These meditations will show you the way.
Use these meditations to heal pain and grievances of all kinds: issues around ex-lovers, spouses, parents, co-workers, business partners, children, siblings, the possibilities are endless and the peace you’ll experience when you finish is priceless.
There are two open-hearted guided meditations with music. The first mediation is an introduction—to get you started. The second one goes deeper and farther—whenever you’re ready.
Part One:
Part Two: