Handling A Sexual Harassment Investigation

Handling A Sexual Harassment Investigation

Marcom Group
Updated Oct 01, 2018

Course Description

MARCOM's interactive course on Handling a Sexual Harassment Investigation provides managers and supervisors with the information they need to identify sexual harassment in their departments, gather facts about an incident of harassment and resolve the situation fairly. Using a powerful combination of audio, full-motion video, text and colorful graphics, this course provides the most cost-effective safety and regulatory compliance training available today. The course is divided into a number of logical sections so information is easily understood... and retained.

MARCOM's interactive course on Handling a Sexual Harassment Investigation provides managers and supervisors with the information they need to identify sexual harassment in their departments, gather facts about an incident of harassment and resolve the situation fairly. Sexual harassment can be devastating for both its victims as well as the companies that they work for. It's also illegal. When it occurs, sexual harassment must be addressed quickly, fairly and with compassion, so a company can help the employees involved, minimize workplace disruption, avoid lawsuits or fines, and preserve the organization's reputation. Areas covered in the course include what sexual harassment is, company policy and preventing harassment, conducting an ethical investigation, beginning an investigation, gathering facts, resolving the situation and more. Using a powerful combination of audio, full-motion video, text and colorful graphics, this course provides the most cost-effective safety and regulatory compliance training available today. The course is divided into a number of logical sections so information is easily understood... and retained.

Course Duration

30 minutes