Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety in Construction Environments - Spanish Language

Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety in Construction Environments - Spanish Language

Marcom Group
Updated Oct 01, 2018

Course Description

MARCOM's interactive course on Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety in Construction Environments reviews the hand, wrist and finger hazards that employees may encounter on a job site, and show them the equipment and safe work practices they can use to prevent injuries.

Construction workers' hands are their most valuable tools. Every day their hands, wrists and fingers are exposed to many different hazards, including cuts, bruises, burns and crushing injuries. Ergonomic stresses can also damage them severely over time. But this doesn't have to happen.

Areas covered in the course include the hand’s design and structure, safe work practices, preventing ergonomic injuries, choosing tools and using them safely, selecting the best gloves for the job and more.

Using a powerful combination of audio, full-motion video, text and colorful graphics, this course provides the most cost-effective safety and regulatory compliance training available today. The course is divided into a number of logical sections so information is easily understood... and retained.

Course Duration

30 minutes