Get The Most Out of Your Photos with Capture One Pro 10

Get The Most Out of Your Photos with Capture One Pro 10

Creative Live
Updated Mar 15, 2019
Imagine if you could capture, tether, adjust color gradient, and manage files in one program? Enter Capture One and, David Grover, a Capture One educator and expert. In this class, you'll learn how to maximize every shot. 

Here's what you'll learn: 
  • The interface and tools, so you can customize a workflow suited to your needs 
  • Techniques to grow a searchable and automated image catalog  
  • Ways to simplify your workflow so you can tether and adjust your RAW files WHILE you shoot 
  • Tips on using the color management tools to get that cinematic crisp look
With Capture One, manage your photos and edit all in one program for a simple streamlined process. 

Software Used: Capture One Pro 10, Adobe Lightroom CC 2015