Forensic Investigator, Part 01 of 10: Computer Forensic Basics

Forensic Investigator, Part 01 of 10: Computer Forensic Basics

LearnNow Online
Updated Aug 21, 2018

Course description

So you’d like to become a computer forensic investigator. Where do you start? Dive into computer forensic basics to establish a solid foundation, starting with answers to the questions of what is computer forensics, why do we need it, and when should we use it? Explore the various categories of cybercrimes and the laws that pertain to them, learn how to begin the investigation process, and get a quick look at forensic readiness and some resources that are available to forensic investigators. This course is part of a series covering the EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI).

Each LearnNowOnline training course is made up of Modules (typically an hour in length). Within each module there are Topics (typically 15-30 minutes each) and Subtopics (typically 2-5 minutes each). There is a Post Exam for each Module that must be passed with a score of 70% or higher to successfully and fully complete the course.


Recommended: Understanding of networking; How data flows from source and destination Computer security basics such as passwords, encryption and physical security Basic understanding of computing and computer systems Experience with various operating systems

Meet the expert

David Bigger

David Bigger is the lead trainer at Bigger IT Solutions. He has been information technology for a little over 20 years and has been training all over the US. He has worked with companies like US Military, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Dominos Pizza, University of Utah and Expedia

Video Runtime

82 Minutes

Time to complete

102 Minutes

Course Outline

Computer Forensics Basics

Forensics Introduction (34:43)

  • Introduction (00:24)
  • What Is Computer Forensics? (04:40)
  • Why Computer Forensics? (02:25)
  • When Do You Need Computer Forensics? (02:55)
  • Categories of Cyber Crimes (03:46)
  • Challenges (05:27)
  • Investigation Process (02:44)
  • Internal or Administrative Investigation (03:07)
  • Civil vs. Criminal (02:26)
  • Rules/Keys of Forensic Investigation (04:18)
  • Enterprise Theory of Investigation (02:11)
  • Summary (00:15)

Evidence (24:45)

  • Introduction (00:28)
  • Digital Evidence (01:14)
  • Types of Digital Evidence (01:55)
  • Qualities of Digital Evidence (03:00)
  • Why Do We Need Digital Evidence (02:28)
  • Sources of Potential Evidence (05:22)
  • Rules of Evidence (01:08)
  • Best Evidence Rule (02:34)
  • Federal Rules of Evidence (01:32)
  • Hearsay Rule (01:48)
  • Hearsay Rule Exceptions (02:54)
  • Summary (00:17)

Forensic Readiness (23:05)

  • Introduction (00:26)
  • Forensic Readiness (04:09)
  • Forensic Readiness Checklist (02:58)
  • Why a Forensics Investigator? (01:52)
  • Forensic Investigator Responsibilities (01:52)
  • Making a Forensic Investigator (04:51)
  • Privacy Issues (01:41)
  • Code of Ethics (03:22)
  • Forensic Workgroups (01:31)
  • Summary (00:20)