Follow the Leader: Integrity and Realism (Part 2 of 3)

Follow the Leader: Integrity and Realism (Part 2 of 3)

Biz Library
Updated Sep 04, 2018
This is the second course in the three-part "Follow the Leader" series by Learning Communications. In watching three people with three totally different styles, company cultures, and roles perform their everyday duties as leaders; one leader may begin to resonate with you more than the other two. This is a natural phenomenon we have noted with everyone who uses the program...and it is intentional. It is the identification with one of the leaders that makes the experience of watching them in action so personal. Even though they are all different, these leaders have some leadership traits and behaviors in common. As you watch the program, think about how you can incorporate those behaviors into your own leadership style.This program does not include a quiz. To achieve a completed status in the Learning Management System, you must view the video in its entirety.