Field Accompaniments - Before The Visit

Field Accompaniments - Before The Visit

Skillshub Ltd
Updated Apr 27, 2021

So what can you do to ensure field accompaniments time is spent effectively and efficiently?

The Skillshub “Field Accompaniments - Before The Visit” course focuses on what planning and preparation needs to be completed before the meeting happens. This course looks at gaining an understanding for the purpose of the visit, objectives that need to be achieved and how to measure the success of the planning overall.

Once the course will be completed you will be to identify that both your salesperson and you have a clear objectives in mind before the visit, along with setting the expectation of how you attending as their manager is as a support mechanism for their personal development.

The Skillshub Rapid Recall Microlearning Series is made up of a Video, Action Planning, Cheat Sheet, Coaching Blueprint and Session Notes to allow you to take action back in the workplace. The session also requires you to pass a quick-fire quiz with a maximum of three multiple choice questions.