Family violence - Screening and assessment

Family violence - Screening and assessment

Health Staff Ed
Updated Jun 26, 2019

Course Overview

Family violence is a significant health problem in Australia. Nurses and midwives are in a unique position to identify victims of violence who may benefit from assistance. Screening for family violnece ios one intitiative in an overall strategy to address family violence.

This course has been written by healthcare content experts and has been peer reviewed.

Target Audience

Nurses and midwives

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn how to identify when someone may be at risk of interpersonal abuse and family violence and the steps in screening for abuse and family violence. They will learn the 9 steps to intervention in situations of violence and gain insight into how to appropriately support survivors of abuse.

Business Outcomes

This course provides the foundations of essential learning for all nurses and midwives in providing appropriate screening and interventions for those at risk of harm from domestic violence.