Extensible Business Reporting Language Part 3: Using XBRL with Spreadsheets and Other Systems

Extensible Business Reporting Language Part 3: Using XBRL with Spreadsheets and Other Systems

Biz Library
Updated Sep 04, 2018
In this third and final program in the WatchIT "Core Technologies" series on the "Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)," expert Thomas Tribunella explores the use of XBRL in conjunction with spreadsheets and other systems. Mr. Tribunella is a Certified Public Accountant and an associate professor at the State University of New York's Oswego campus. XBRL is a language that enables the electronic communication of financial data that has truly revolutionized the world of business financial reporting. XBRL also offers an opportunity for IT professionals to closely align with their business colleagues, working jointly to solve reporting problems and issues well before financial reports are filed with government entities. Part 1 of the series provided an overview of XBRL and discussed its impact on IT. In Part 2, XBRL taxonomy building and coding were discussed.