Excel 365 VBA Expert

Excel 365 VBA Expert

Learn to work with variables, how to use various conditional logic statements, and how to work with string functions.

Intellezy Learning
Updated Aug 28, 2019

This course will teach students proper Visual Basic programming techniques along with an understanding of Excel’s object structure. Students will learn how to work with variables, how to use various conditional logic statements such as If and Else, and how to work with string functions. Students will also learn how to work with various loops such as next loops and each loops, as well as how to create user forms. Finally, students will get an in-depth understanding of the debugging tools available and how to effectively debug their code.


Intermediate Microsoft Excel training or equivalent experience is recommended.


This IAAP-certified course counts for 5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.