Emergency Evacuation

Emergency Evacuation

Channel 1 Creative Media
Updated Feb 14, 2019

Course Overview 

Discusses why an evacuation of a workplace may need to occur, and what to do in the event of an emergency. Combine this course and your site evacuation map for a fantastic training package on evacuation procedures.

Course consists of 5 minutes of video content combined with assessment questions and interactivity.

Learning Objectives 

  • Various reasons why an evacuation may need to occur
  • The importance of Site Emergency Evacuation Plans
  • Responsibilities assigned to wardens, incident controller, fire fighting teams and first aiders
  • What to do in the event of an emergency
  • What new employees who start in a new workplace need to be informed of

Target Audience 

This video is perfect for your entire workforce.

Business Outcomes  

Emergencies can cause panic and in turn unnecessary accidents and injuries. If and when an emergency does ever happen at your workplace, a well-informed and prepared workforce will undergo the evacuation in a safe and orderly fashion preventing risks to life and equipment.


10 to 15 Minutes