Electronic Communications

Electronic Communications

Learn how to judge whether your message is essential and timely

Talent Quest
Updated Jul 07, 2020

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” -George Bernard Shaw Thanks to technology, we now have numerous ways to communicate with one another. Organizations depend on social media, texting, and tweeting in addition to emails to present themselves to all the stakeholders. These rapid-fire methods of communicating have changed how we speak, how we receive information, and how we interpret the information we’ve received. Sometimes, these speed-of-light methods of connecting can affect our communication skills. Have you ever wondered if the receiver received your communication correctly or not? Do you evaluate the messages you send? This course will help you with tricks to communicate effectively using electronic media.


0.25 hours, Continuing Education Units (CEU) from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

0.25 hours, Continuing Education Units (CEU) from the HR Certificate Institute (HRCI)