Electrocution Hazards in Construction Part I - Spanish Language

Electrocution Hazards in Construction Part I - Spanish Language

Marcom Group
Updated Oct 01, 2018

Course Description

The first in a two-part series on electrocution hazards, MARCOM's interactive course on Electrocution Hazards In Construction Environments Part I - Types of Hazards and How You Can Protect Yourself discusses the major types of electrocution hazards, and how employees can protect themselves from electrical hazards and electrocution in construction environments.

There are a number of causes of shock, electrical burns and electrocution.  If the power to electrical equipment is not grounded, the grounding path has been broken, or there are live parts or bare wires, a fault current can travel through your body.  

Even when a piece of equipment or a tool is properly grounded, it can instantly change from safe to hazardous because of extreme conditions or rough treatment. So employees need to know what hazards to watch out for and how they can protect themselves.

Topics covered in this course include electrical hazards and electrocution, major types of electrocution hazards, power lines and GFCI's, power tools and extension courses, lock-out/tag-out and more.

The course is divided into a number of logical sections so information is easily understood... and retained. 

Course Duration

45 minutes