Effective Communication with Children and Families

Effective Communication with Children and Families

Me Learning
Updated Aug 26, 2019

Course Overview

If you work with young people and families, you’ll know how important effective communication with children can be. Good communication builds trust and can make a real difference to how effectively services are delivered and their long-term success.

This course will help you sharpen your skills and deepen your knowledge around effective communication with children and families.

Target Audience

This course is perfect for you if you work with or have contact with children, young people and their families. And although it forms part of an induction programme for new starters, it’s also ideal if you want to improve your knowledge and continue your professional development.

Learning Objectives

Once you’ve completed this course, you’ll have a clear knowledge of:

  • How to communicate effectively with children, young people and their parents or carers
  • The importance of remaining professional without being impersonal
  • How to operate within, and manage, professional boundaries
  • What is meant by effective communication and barriers to achieving it
  • The importance of listening first and listening carefully
  • The importance of being prepared
  • Active and reflective listening
  • The importance of watching yourself
  • The types of questions that can be asked