Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

Allara Learning
Updated Jul 01, 2019

Course Overview

Wherever you live in Australia, you will be in constant contact with people from a vast range of cultural backgrounds. When you are at work this includes both co-workers and customers.

It’s important that you are aware of the cultural and social diversity of the people you meet, because awareness and knowledge is the first step to understanding.

Set within a hotel, learners move around different areas and face a number of challenges relating to social and cultural issues that may cause conflict or misunderstanding in the workplace.

Target Audience

Anyone in the workplace.

Learning Objectives

This course covers:

  • How to communicate with customers and co-workers from diverse backgrounds
  • Address cross-cultural misunderstandings
  • Make attempts to overcome language and communication barriers and prevent different forms of discrimination in the workplace.