Stay motivated and perform better at work by learning how to discuss a healthy work-life balance with your boss
Balance between our job and personal life is important in any work situation. When our work provides the right level of balance we stay motivated and energized and are always ready to contribute and perform at a high level. When our work is too difficult and demanding, we can get worn down and can struggle to succeed. We may have a difficult time meeting our personal commitments and in addition, our performance may start to suffer. So we must find balance. As an individual employee you have the responsibility to ensure you have the right level of balance at work. You are the one who can best take care of and be attuned to what is happening in your work situation. You need to be an advocate for yourself. You can do this by taking action to create the best work situation possible, one that will enable you to contribute and perform at your best.
Course Accreditation
This course has been approved for 1 hour of PDU credit from PMI (Project Management Institute).