Discover Your Boss SuperPower

Discover Your Boss SuperPower

Manager Foundation
Updated Mar 28, 2019

Course Overview

Beware of "One Size Fits All" management advice because we are all different and what works for one person may not work for you.

Learning Objectives 

• Improve your Self-Awareness on your journey to become a better boss

• Get an entertaining & informative psychological profile

• Identify your boss strengths and weaknesses

• Knowing your Boss SuperPower is an important Manager Skill

Business Outcomes

Before you can lead others you must lead yourself. Self Leadership starts with Self Awareness. The Boss SuperPower will tell you what your manager strengths are and what your management blindspots are. The Boss SuperPower will tell you what your employees think of you and will give you customised advice on how you can be a better boss. This will help to improve your communication and manager skills. The assessment uses a scientifically validated model to provide validated answers in an entertaining and memorable way.

Target Audience

This course is appropriate for Managers.