Deep Dive into Functional JavaScript

Deep Dive into Functional JavaScript

By completing this course, you will have an in-depth overview and the tools in your utility belt to write maintainable code in JavaScript. You will experience the benefits of functional programming even if your code is not purely functional. Take this course if you understand the fundamentals of JavaScript, such as scopes and closures, and you are familiar with at least the ES5 syntax.

Packt Admin
Updated Dec 24, 2018

In this course, you will have an in-depth overview and the tools in your utility belt to write maintainable code in JavaScript.We will stick to the latest version of JavaScript in this course, ES2017. You don't have to know ES2017 to benefit from the course, as we will introduce the language constructs that we use during it.You will experience the benefits of functional programming even if your code is not purely functional. In this course, you will learn the building blocks that act as a utility belt in your arsenal, enabling you to write code that's easy to understand, extend, test, and debug. You will get hands-on practice on how to use currying, partial evaluation, map, reduce, filter, recursion, and other functional programming concepts in ES6. 

Target Audience

This course is geared towards software developers who would like to improve their skills and expertise by sticking to the highest quality standards when it comes to writing code. Take this course if you understand the fundamentals of JavaScript, such as scopes and closures, and you are familiar with at least the ES5 syntax. 

Business Outcomes

  • In-depth overview of functional programming techniques in JavaScript
  • Use the latest version of JavaScript to write code in the functional style
  • Learn how to mix functional and non-functional code to write real-world applications
  • Never again get confused about functional programming theory• Get hands-on practice by linking theory to practical applications